Appliance là gì

Q:Nói câu này trong Tiếng Anh (Anh) như thế nào? a medicine/drug manual? if an appliance has a little book how to use it (a manual right?), how do you call a book that tells you how to take and not take drugs and pills etc? Q:Nói câu này trong Tiếng Anh (Mỹ) như thế nào? how long has the appliance been switched on?i want to ask my room mate that long has the tv been switched on.. Q: The appliance covered by this report has three brand there are going to be three different marking labels for this appliance.I need to add one marking label per each brand name in the report.that means I have to add three different marking labels.

cái này nghe có tự nhiên không? Q: it is most using appliances at home cái này nghe có tự nhiên không? Q:which one is the best?(at a appliance store)

1. what’s my total?2. what’s the total?3. how much is it in total? A:What electronic appliances can you not live without?(無いと生きられない家電は何?) A:Yes! Chains can sell any type of item or food. So an appliance chain would sell refrigerators, TVs etc. A:An appliance is like a tool or machine used to do something. I think the most common appliances that we talk about are appliances in the kitchen. Some kitchen appliances are a blender, a toaster, and a microwave. A:appliance;usually used when referring to electrical items in the kitchen.ex. kettle and toaster are both kitchen appliances

device;mostly used for all electronics with screens (although this isn’t a strict rule). ex. smart phones, TVs. but device can be anything electric.

Bạn đang đọc: Appliance là gì

gadget;gadget is an informal word mostly used for ‘techy’ items, that a lot of people wouldn’t consider essential.‘Alexa’ is a good example of a gadget.

example sentence for gadget in everyday conversation could be:‘my boyfriend really loves technology. He buys all the latest gadgets’ A:Appliances are usually things you use around the house like stove, washer, and microwave. Electrical devices are for personal use like phones, computers, and iPod. A:Appliances are electrical machines used, in the kitchen. Such as a toaster, stove, oven, pasta maker, bread maker, refrigerator, blender, etc.

Utensils are small manual tools used in the kitchen such as a fork, knife, serving spoon, apple pealer, meat hammer, etc. A:The appliances covered in this report come from three different brand names.Thus, there will also be three different marking labels. I must add one marking label for each brand name in the report, so I will need to add three different marking labels.A:“It’s the most used appliance at home/in the house.”

I think this is what you meant, at least. A:It’s a fancy way to say appliance repairman. A repairman fixes what’s broken in an appliance, just as a doctor fixes what’s broken in a person. You would only hear this used in a marketing context, however.

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